Our large Toddler Room provision is designed to welcome children between the ages of 2 and 3 years old. In this room, the practitioners work with children on a ratio basis of 1:4 and strive to provide our toddlers with fun, engaging and meaninful activities and experiences to aid their learning and development in this crucial period of their early lives.
Our toddlers have access to a large, carpeted play area room which consists of different areas to promote and support the seven areas of learning. These include: a home corner, construction and small world area, a sensory area, a chill out area with a tv, writing area, reading/cosy area, a mathematics area and a writing area. Although, we understand and value that all areas in the EYFS are interconnected, so children are encouraged and supported in all areas of the provision.
The Toddler Room also has a separate messy and dining area. Messy play activities include sand play, water play, playdough area, cut and stick area and a painting area. Children are free to choose what they would like to participate in at their own leisure at free play times during the Toddler Room routine.
The dining area is used at meal times, such as snack times to encourage children to sit amongst their peers and enjoy the social interactions that meal times offer. The toddler who stay for lunch and tea are transitioned to the dining room where they can have the opportunity to sit with their peers and enjoy the social interaction that meal times have to offer. At this age, we place a great emphasis on children developing their self confidence by becoming independent. Therefore, practitioners encourage independence at meal times by supporting children to pour their own drinks, choose side dishes they would like and washing their hands before and after meal times.
The Toddler Room has a designated sleeping area with three prams. Practitioners follow children's individual routines by placing children to sleep, if they require, following their sleeping preferences. We also have a cosy area in the Toddler Room which we place matresses and cosy covers for children to sleep too. Sleeping children are always monitored by watchful staff and is recorded as a means of valuing the importance of safe sleep.
The Toddler Room also has a Finding Nemo themed bathroom with three toilet cubicles and pottys. This area is used to encourage and support children when potty/toilet training. This facility is also used for children to wash their hands before and after meal times.
Finally, we have a designated outdoor play area for the toddlers in the Toddler Room, with age appropriate toys and learning experiences to enhance their learning outdoors. In the summer months, the children also have the opportunity to plant and grow their own fruit and vegetables in our Learning Land Nursery Garden.
It is important that the delivery of our curriculum, supported by the EYFS, is age-appropriate for the children to access it and gain valuable, memorable knowledge from their experiences. Therefore, our curriculum intent in the Toddler Room differs from other rooms in the nursery. However, we have a flexible, child-centred approach which values that each child learns and develops at different rates, therefore we differentiate our planning and our curriculum dependent upon each individual child, their needs and abilities and their interests.
Our curriculum intent in the Toddler Room is to ensure that the children transitioning from the Baby Room are fully supported to secure their foundations of learning in the 3 prime areas of the EYFS. However, we realise that dependent upon the individual abilities and needs of the child, the curriculum is differentated to achieve maximum support and encouragement of learning, therefore the specific areas will eventually be introduced when the child's prime areas have a secure foundation. We also ensure that children who may join us without accessing our Baby Room provision, have a baseline assessment completed so that practitioners become aware and confident of how to support and encourage their next steps in learning.
We ensure that from the Toddler Room curriculum, children are ready and capable with the skills and knowledge they need to access the Pre-School provision or their next steps in their learning journeys.