Our Baby Room is designed to be a comfortable, home-from-home environment which welcomes babies from the age of 6 weeks up to 2 years. The nurturing, caring environment that we offer in our Baby Room is perfect to help babies settle when transitioning into nursery life. We work closely with parents and their child to understand their daily care routines and follow these as closely as possible to ensure their child feels safe and secure and their individual needs are fulfilled.
Our babies are provided with a large, carpeted play area where space is arranged for free play or organised activities to meet each individual child’s needs and interests. The Baby Room offers meaningful, age-appropriate materials and resources that children can freely choose from to initiate their own play, with the support from our fully qualified Baby Room practitioners.
The Baby Room also has a separate messy and dining area. Messy play activities are mostly sensory based to support your child's sensory exploration in the early stages of their development. These activities include, shaving foam fun, playdough, water play, sand play and creative experiences. The activities are planned by practitioners according to the age appropriateness of the children and their interests and abilities.
The dining area is used at meal times, such as snack, lunch and tea times to encourage children to sit amongst their peers and enjoy the social interactions that meal times offer.
The Baby Room has a designated sleeping area with three cots and three prams. Practitioners follow children's individual routines by placing children to sleep, if they require, following their sleeping preferences. Sleeping children are always monitored by watchful staff and is recorded as a means of valuing the importance of safe sleep.
Finally, we have a designated outdoor play area for the babies in the Baby Room, with age appropriate toys and learning experiences to enhance their learning outdoors.
Under two year olds are supervised by a fully-qualified practitioner in a ratio of 1:3. This ensures that children are under close supervision at all times to keep the children safe and their individual needs and routines can be closely followed.
It is important that the delivery of our curriculum, supported by the EYFS, is age-appropriate for the children to access it and gain valuable, memorable knowledge from their experiences. Therefore, our curriculum intent in the Baby Room differs from other rooms in the nursery. However, we have a flexible, child-centred approach which values that each child learns and develops at different rates, therefore we differentiate our planning and our curriculum dependent upon each individual child, their needs and abilities and their interests.
Our curriculum intent in the Baby Room is to ensure that the children are fully supported to secure their foundations of learning in the 3 prime areas of the EYFS. However, we realise that dependent upon the individual abilities and needs of the child, the curriculum is differentated to achieve maximum support and encouragement of learning. Therefore the specific areas may be introduced if the prime areas have a secure foundation. We ensure that children who join us have a baseline assessment completed when they start, so that practitioners become aware and confident of how to support and encourage their next steps in learning.
We ensure that from the Baby Room curriculum, children are ready and capable with the skills and knowledge they need to access the Toddler Room provision or their next steps in their learning journeys.