It is our policy at Learning Land Nursery to work together in partnership with parents/carers to make their child feel happy and
confident. We value parents/carers to be a child's first educator, therefore, working in partnership with them is an important aspect of our ethos.
Our procedure for this is to:
- We have a well embedded, robust key person system in place
- We have an open door policy and welcome parents at all times
- Ensure all parents are aware of our policies and procedures and any comments are included in these
- Ensure that parents/carers are informed on a regular basis about their child’s progress through meetings with the child’s key
- Parents/carers comments are added to the progress check sheets, these are completed every 12 weeks by the child’s key person and
discussed with the parents/carers
- Parents recieve weekly photographs of their children and their learning experiences through our online learning platform,
Capture Education. They are provided with the opportunity to upload their own learning experiences and fun times at home which is an important contributor to planning for children's individual needs
and interests.
- Parents are invited to join our Facebook page, consent is required when the child starts the setting to allow their child to be
involved in photographs that are uploaded.
- Information sheets including details about food, nappy changes and activities are given to parents every
- Ensure parents have opportunities to contribute their own skills, knowledge and contributions through regular
- Ensure parents are aware of any meetings, open days or events
- Ensure parents are familiar with the systems for registering complaints, compliments and concerns
- We have a parent’s views board/system in reception
- Newsletters are sent out at the beginning of each month
- We have several parent information boards around the setting explaining about the revised EYFS, general setting information and
contact numbers for other professionals
- We have an information board outside each room with relevant information displayed for that particular room, i.e. routines, key
person information
- We have a ‘Home Learning’ poster displayed outside each room these contain simple tasks that we would like to be carried out at
- Although we are aware that pick up and drop off times can be rather busy verbal feedback is given as much as
- We ask parents to keep us informed of changes in personal information (address, telephone number, and emergency
- We ask parents to keep us informed of any circumstances which may have an effect on the child’s emotional well-being e.g.
bereavement, separation or illness in the family