Our Pre-School opened in March 2008. This provision provides nursery education for children aged 3-5 years. The children who attend our Pre-School are entitled to nursery education funding which entitles your child to attend free of charge for 15 hours per week: 5 days a week for a 3 hour session per day.
PLEASE NOTE for 30/15 funded hours: We require a consumable charge of £2.50 per funded session (3 hours). More infomation can be obtained on enrolement to the nursery.
Our Pre-School provision is designed to help children to become equipped with the "essential toolbox", so that they are able and ready to move onto their school life. Because of this, we have designed our Pre-School children to freely choose their learning and play opportunities from a wide range of experiences and areas. We value that children of this age will soon be ready to transition to school, therefore, we place a lot of emphasis on promoting independence and social interaction with other peers.
Our large Pre-School provision consists of three large play rooms. The main room provides an opportunity for our pre-school children to initiate their own play in different areas which support the seven areas of learning. These include: a home corner, construction and small world area, a music area, a chill out area, an ICT area, a writing area, reading/cosy area, a finger gym, a exploration area, a mathematics area and a writing area. Although, we understand and value that all areas in the EYFS are interconnected, so children are encouraged and supported in all areas of the provision.
The Pre-School has a separate messy area. Messy play activities include: sand play, water play, playdough area, cut and stick area and a painting area. We also have a junk modelling area where children are encouraged to recycle and can make new inventions from their recycled materials. Children are free to choose what they would like to participate in at their own leisure at free play times during the Pre-School routine.
The dining area is used at meal times, such as snack times to encourage children to sit amongst their peers and enjoy the social interactions that meal times offer. The children who stay for lunch and tea are transitioned to the dining room. At pre-school age, we place a great emphasis on children developing their self confidence by becoming independent. Therefore, practitioners encourage independence at meal times by allowing children to pour their own drinks, choose side dishes they would like, choosing their own cutlery, brushing their teeth after mealtimes and washing their hands and faces after they have eaten.
The Pre-School also has a bathroom with two toilet cubicles and one potty. This area is used to encourage and support children to access toileting independently. This facility is also used for children to wash their hands before and after meal times.
Finally, we have a large designated outdoor play area for our Pre-School children, with age appropriate resources and learning experiences to enhance their learning outdoors. In the summer months, the children also have the opportunity to plant and grow their own fruit and vegetables in our Learning Land Nursery Garden.
The Pre-School children have access to a wide range of opportunities in the community to enhance their cultural awareness. These experiences include, visits from people who help us, visits to the park, the farm, local libraries, nursing homes and much, much more!
It is important that the delivery of our curriculum, supported by the EYFS, is age-appropriate for the children to access it and gain valuable, memorable knowledge from their experiences. Therefore, our curriculum intent in the Pre-School differs from other rooms in the nursery. However, we have a flexible, child-centred approach which values that each child learns and develops at different rates, therefore we differentiate our planning and our curriculum dependent upon each individual child, their needs and abilities and their interests.
Our curriculum intent in the Pre-School is to ensure that the children transitioning from the Toddler Room are fully supported to secure their foundations of learning in the 3 prime areas of the EYFS and some possible consolidation in the specific areas. However, we realise that dependent upon the individual abilities and needs of the child, the curriculum is differentiated to achieve maximum support and encouragement of learning, therefore the practitioners in the Pre-School will continue to support the children, no matter their level of development. We also ensure that children who may join us without accessing the rest of the provision at Learning Land, have a baseline assessment completed so that practitioners become aware and confident of how to support and encourage their next steps in learning.
We ensure that from the Pre-School curriculum, children are ready and capable with the skills and knowledge they need to access their next steps in their learning journeys, specifically school readiness.